Janice Daughters artist

pots & Penny farthings

jigsaw puzzle


Verity's Vintage Shop jigsaw puzzle front
Verity's Vintage Shop jigsaw puzzle back

Pots & Penny farthings

I just love old junk that can be upcycled. I have a collection of old pots, tin baths, chimney pots and fireplaces that have been transformed into plant containers and garden features.
This illustration is available in 1000 piece and 2000 piece jigsaw puzzles.


Red Scooter

Penny Farthing
Rusty Red Tractor

 The duck in the bath


Paraffin Heater


Chimney Pots


Red Scooter

Penny Farthing
Rusty Red Tractor

 The duck in the bath


Janice’s stories behind the painting

  1. Red Scooter featured outside the barn door was my favourite form of transport as a child. Scooting down the road to the sweetshop with the wind blowing through my hair was heaven.
  2. Penny Farthing. A fascination of how it ever stayed upright! It reminds me of the TV series The Prisoner. They used a Penny Farthing as a logo. I didn’t really understand what was going on in the programme, but not many people did. It became a cult series in the late 1960s. In recent times I visited Portmeirion where the programme was filmed.
  3. Rusty Red Tractor belongs to our farmer friend and neighbour. It’s an International Harvester B250 registered March 1958 which he bought from new. Love the old distressed look.
  4. The Duck in the Bath (corner) – Visiting Mallard ducks always bring their family of ducklings to see us every year. We provide a shallow tray as a paddling pool for their enjoyment, and ours.
  5. Paraffin Heater. This old heater makes a lovely feature in our garden as a seasonal flower container.
  6. Chimney Pots. Originally from the grand houses built in Harrow, Greater London, these chimney pots now adorn our garden full of colourful plants
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A Clue : Ralphie Rabbit, escapes just in time from getting a soaking.

Ralphie likes to hide. If you want to find out where he is hiding, click on the button below.

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